GGoP Visits Jerusalem and Ramallah
Successful visit of delegation of GGoP (Global Gardens of Peace) to Jerusalem and Ramallah
From 29 to 31 August 2016, Louise Ward, Peter Symes (GGoP Board Members) and Hans Sprokkreeff (Special Adviser to GGoP) attended meetings with key supporters including those with Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) based in Ramallah, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office in Jerusalem.
During the meetings, the GGoP team outlined how green landscapes such as the proposed landscaped Garden (based in Khan Younis) would provide multiple benefits (e.g. education, human health, environment, etc) for the children and families in Gaza Strip to uniquely address humanitarian needs.
It was a successful visit with both PECDAR and UNDP providing a strong commitment to work with GGoP in partnership to actively find donor funding to construct the Garden.
The next steps require GGoP in partnership with UNDP to refine and update a previous funding application and submit this to both PECDAR and UNDP[1] by October 2016.
Global Gardens of Peace are excited by this outcome and wish to thank all their supporters who have continued in the belief of hope. In this knowledge, we have kept our resolve to strive towards our vision becoming a green oasis in the sands of the Gaza Strip.
Louise Ward
President, Global Gardens of Peace
[1] [1] Louise was unable to attend the meeting with UNDP due to unexpectedly being takenĀ ill just hours before the meeting. However she was looked after very well by Rita (one of the Sisters of our Convent accommodation) and Majed our ever-reliable and caring taxi-driver. She soon recovered under good care!